Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We Are Fat

It is official.

I went to the Dr. today for my annual meeting with my Allergist. I've been getting shots for seasonal allergies but they recently expanded onto another floor of their building. So new everything: exam tables, chairs, etc.

While I'm waiting for the Dr. to come in, I'm checking out the new digs. Then I see it. A new scale in the corner. So I go weigh myself. While I'm standing there, I'm thinking something doesn't seem right. Then it hits me. This scale goes to 500 lbs. As memory serves, most Dr. scales I've seen in the past have gone to 250, maybe 300 lbs. But 500 lbs? Have people become cargo?

Wow. We are fat.

1 comment:

p@rick said...

Can a 500-pound person even get up onto a doctor's scale?