Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Do you sign your credit card?

So continuing my theme of things that bother me, let me ask this question. But first the drawn out setup...

I went to the post office to mail a package to my in-law. The post office worker in question I've dealt with in the past is just a pain to be a pain.

She puts the package on the scale, I pick a shipping option, and I hand her my American Express card. She hands it back and says she can't take it 'cause I need to sign it.

Now, things to note here are:
1) my picture is on the card
2) she would take the card if I signed it then and there

Which leads me to ask, do I really need to sign this thing? What's the point? What does that prove beyond my picture for identity? Any what would signing it in front of her have really have accomplished?

So confused by what has just transpired, I hand over my Visa card (which is signed), and she runs the transaction.

The gee-wiz of the story? I didn't have to sign for the purchase.


We Are Fat

It is official.

I went to the Dr. today for my annual meeting with my Allergist. I've been getting shots for seasonal allergies but they recently expanded onto another floor of their building. So new everything: exam tables, chairs, etc.

While I'm waiting for the Dr. to come in, I'm checking out the new digs. Then I see it. A new scale in the corner. So I go weigh myself. While I'm standing there, I'm thinking something doesn't seem right. Then it hits me. This scale goes to 500 lbs. As memory serves, most Dr. scales I've seen in the past have gone to 250, maybe 300 lbs. But 500 lbs? Have people become cargo?

Wow. We are fat.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Another useful Mac App

There's been a flurry of articles about sleep / hibernate with Leopard. Using something like, sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0.

This dynamic automation tool is even cooler.