Thursday, January 17, 2008

IDE Survey

  • IntelliJ - BMW
  • Eclipse -General Motors
  • Netbeans - Hyundai (maybe VW) - someday a Volvo?
  • VI - Fixed Gear
  • VIM - Lance Armstrong's bike
  • GVIM - a recumbent bike

My use:
  • Netbeans 80%
  • Eclipse 10%
  • GVIM 10%

Monday, January 14, 2008

Obsolete Computer Disposal

I have a bunch of these things sitting in my house. They gather dust in the den.

Here's what I've thought of,

  1. Let them continue to gather dust. Even when they are off, they still seem to gather dust pretty well. At my dad's house there's still a PCjr sitting in the garage. Maybe the Microsoft 128K sidecar with original mouse will have collectors value?
  2. Turn the old laptop (200Mhz) into a digital picture frame. I spent about 6 hours getting an OS (Damn Small Linux) installed on it. Wireless (802.11b) too! Then I used it for 30 minutes before my wife asked me why.
  3. Ebay - the whole posting and shipping seems like a lot of work.
  4. Craigslist - I'm not sure I want all these people in my house.
  5. Recycle - Since these computers actually work, seems like a waste.
  6. Donate the whole lot to FreeGeekChicago and take the lazy way out. Maybe it's sassy if I donate some time along with the hardware?
What do you guys do?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My vs. Your

Michael recently made one of his pet peeves known to me. He prefers a web app to say "My Settings" as opposed to "Your Settings". I never really thought about it before, but I think I prefer "Your Settings". I'm guessing this is a perception issue, perhaps due to a difference between desktop and server-hosted apps.

On a web app, I think I feel like the server is talking to me: "Here are your settings that we are storing on our servers for you." With a desktop app, perhaps I'd feel more ownership over the data and I would expect the button to say "My Settings".

Or maybe because I am writing the software, I'm thinking as a service provider when I write "Your Settings" in a link.

Anyone else? Is there a Strunk & White for user interfaces that provides a rule?