Thursday, January 17, 2008

IDE Survey

  • IntelliJ - BMW
  • Eclipse -General Motors
  • Netbeans - Hyundai (maybe VW) - someday a Volvo?
  • VI - Fixed Gear
  • VIM - Lance Armstrong's bike
  • GVIM - a recumbent bike

My use:
  • Netbeans 80%
  • Eclipse 10%
  • GVIM 10%


p@rick said...

On your list, I've only used vi and vim. But I also haven't written a lick of java in ages, maybe 4 years (since that brief stint writing that crappy swing app for orbitz that never saw the light of day). And for that, I used emacs. No, not xemacs.

Now, partly due to Leon, I've been using textmate, which is essentially an IDE, although I don't do much besides use it as a fancy rails editor. If it could show multiple buffers in split windows like emacs/vim, I wouuld be a lot happier...

p@rick said...

I'm back to vim.