Monday, July 12, 2010

There is No Gatorade in Israel

I don't know how this is possible. But I'm convinced there is no Gatorade in Israel.

You would think in a place so hot that you'd be able to find some kind of equivalent to Gatorade.

So here's what happened. My son got sick and I wanted to make sure he was getting enough fluids. So I went on a trek to find Gatorade (or its Israelli equivalent). You can get Coke. You can get Sprite. You can even get Orange Fanta and various "energy drinks" akin to Red Bull. But everwhere I went they told me "Super-Farm" in the mall.
I spoke with no less than 8 people including the pharmacist who I'm sure would know what electrolytes are. No dice. So I left - mission unaccomplished.

There is a seriously untapped market here - if you can stand the heat ;)