Thursday, October 4, 2007

Java Web Technologies Renaissance

It's a ruthless cycle. You create something so much cooler than anything out there. It makes people go wow, I never knew you could do that!

It's inevitable that somebody and probably a few somebodies will come along and make it relatively easy for mere mortals to do and the next thing you know M$ has a wizard that let's you click to build.

The good thing is that lazy people like me can benefit from the mini revolution in different ways to build integrated AJAX enabled web applications with just reading level Javascript skills. There's the obvious GWT, but also Wicket seems like a brand new way but maybe old feeling way to write web applications without feeling like you are writing web applications.

Why now all of a sudden the outburst of creativity? Is it all inspired by RoR?


jonathan said...

I know ROR is all the rage right now (and for a lot of unfortunate reasons, IMO) but it cannot take credit in any way for Wicket as I did not know ROR existed when I started Wicket.

p@rick said...

When I first read the title of this post, I thought this post was going to be about Java web technologies developed at REGI...

Steve said...

Don't you speek ill of CISL! Blasphemy!