Friday, October 3, 2008

Why giving Mac Users Shell Access is Like Letting AOL Users on the Internet

From TUAW: Terminal Tips: Play Tetris in Terminal


p@rick said...

That's absolutely brilliant...

Michael said...

It never even occurred to me to run emacs on my Mac. I use a real editor: MacVim.

(let the flame war begin)

p@rick said...

MacVim? With a toolbar and a menubar?

I use vim (installed from macports) in

Roger said...

I use TextMate sometimes and it always surprises me that ESC doesn't do anything.

Michael said...

Jeez. These editor wars just aren't what they used to be...

Roger said...

What do you expect from a bunch of Mac owning iPhone users.

Steve said...

Yes, but then how else would I play Taipan! on my mac?

wikipedia link for those who didn't have the privilege of playing this awesome-super-terrific game in '84.