Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Colbert Effect

This is an interesting analysis of the effect Colbert might have on the South Carolina presidential primary. My favorite quote comes from page 2:

"I can’t point to anything other than truthiness, but I believe the 'drunken college student' demographic is being overlooked."


Roger said...

I was wondering why he chose to run as a Democrat.

Michael said...

Good times...

"Stephen Colbert claims to represent a new kind of politics, but today we see he's participating in the slash and burn politics that has no place in American discourse. The truthiness is, as the candidate of Doritos, Colbert's hands are stained by corporate corruption and nacho cheese. John Edwards has never taken a dime from salty food lobbyists and America deserves a President who isn't in the pocket of the snack food special interests."

Editor and Publisher article.